Did you know we host guided tastings at West Sixth NuLu every week? Every Saturday at 1pm baybeeeee. And now you have a ticket to go on one. How cool is that? Tour our Louisville taproom & 3-barrel brewing system, taste exclusive beers, and learn about our business.
I love all of our West Sixth tours, and, in fact, I run the program. I can tell you that our guides are knowledgable, and our NuLu taproom is a really cool place to visit. You will taste awesome beers, you will have a good time, and you will get a tour glass that matches the one in today's slot too. So, go, enjoy your tour, and taste some new beers in that new swanky NuLu tour glass of yours. It's on the house. ;)
To reserve your NuLu tasting date & find out more about our tour program email me at tours@westsixth.com or head to westsixth.com/tours