For day 11 we decided to pack in Hop Static CHANNEL 11! See what we did there? We’re so clever.

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If you’ve been around West Sixth for a while, you probably know about our Hop Static rotator series. If not, consider this your intro! 

Our Hop Static series is a series of IPAs that we based on the idea of running “hop tests” a la the television tests of yesteryear (and by yesteryear I mean not that long ago, but our technological advancement in those years has been a whirlwind. Different topic. Different blog. Different day.). Think VCR, color test, static-y, camcorder, “ATTN: THIS IS A HOP TEST”  vibes in the branding, with lots of variations of hops and IPA styles throughout the rotating cans. 

Hop Static Ch. 11 is a a light bodied, quaffable, and appropriately hoppy IPA that has been dry hopped with Riwaka, Cashmere and Strata hops, lending a fruity hop profile. You’ll get hop flavors of coconut, strawberry, and melon, as well as grassy, dank notes. Ringing in at 7.5% ABV - it’s not a super heavy hitter on the alcohol, but ya might wanna pace yourself. Even though it’s delicious. 

Give this can a try and let us know what you think below! And be on the lookout for Channel 12 … coming soon… hehe

See ya tomorrow!