Today’s slot contains TWO of our winter-time faves - Castlewood Black IPA & MEXICAN MOCHA!! Read on for the beer descripys & more!
Castlewood Black IPA - This beer is for anyone whose favorite Christmas movie is The Nightmare Before Christmas. Our Cascadian Dark Ale, more commonly known as a Black IPA, has a dark and complex malt character balanced by an aggressive citrus and spicy character. This beer is aged on oak to create a more smooth drinking beer.
You may have gotten a pint or sip of this beer around Halloween - we roll it out in October every year. It's the perfect Halloween beer -- and dark & complex enough to carry through to the holidays, too!
I can’t write about this beer without giving a nod to the can design by Cricket Press, too. It evokes spooky season and pays homage to the beer's namesake, Castlewood Park in Lexington, with an illustration of the Loudon House. One of my all-time faves (shhhh dont tell IPA, he gets jealous)
Mexican Mocha - I’ll spare you the Mex Mocha history lesson this year - but you can read that here if you’re interested in peppers, chocolate, and royalty. An Imperial Stout with Sumatra coffee beans, chocolate, cinnamon, vanilla, pasilla, and ancho chili peppers added. These additions complement throughout and make for a tasty treat. 9% ABV. The alcohol/chili pepper/mocha combo will keep you warm from the inside out - and with this weather, I think we are all thankful for that.
CHEERS! ENJOY today’s beers - one at a time so you can actually taste ‘em!
Or heck, double-fist them if ya want. I’m not your mom 😆… actually if you’re brave enough to do that, let us know how it tastes. For science!